May 14, 2011

Immigration Reality: Why the U.S. Must Slow the Immigration Brain Drain

Why the U.S. Must Slow the Immigration Brain Drain | Head Case - "There are signs ... that the allure of America is fading. A new study by researchers at U.C. Berkeley, Duke and Harvard has found that, for the first time, a majority of American-trained entrepreneurs who have returned to India and China believe they are doing better at 'home' than they would be doing in the U.S. The numbers weren't even close: 72% of Indians and 81% of Chinese said 'economic opportunities' were superior in their native countries. ...

These trends are troubling because they threaten to undermine a chief competitive advantage of the U.S. Though politicians constantly pay lip service to the importance of American innovation, they often fail to note that it is driven in large part by first-generation immigrants."

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