May 27, 2011

U.S. - Mexico Relations: Diplomat tapped to be ambassador to Mexico grew up in Concord, California

Diplomat tapped to be ambassador to Mexico grew up in Concord - San Jose Mercury News: "The Obama administration has tapped a career diplomat who grew up in Contra Costa County for one of its most important foreign service posts: ambassador to Mexico.

The White House has not formally nominated Earl Anthony 'Tony' Wayne as the next ambassador, but the administration presented his name late last week to the Mexican foreign ministry, a source in the ministry confirmed. A vetting by the host country is routine protocol in diplomatic appointments.

The 60-year-old Wayne grew up in Concord in the 1950s and 1960s, graduated from UC Berkeley in 1972 and has worked for the State Department for decades. He now serves as deputy ambassador to Afghanistan and was ambassador to Argentina during the Bush administration."

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