Jul 22, 2011

Mexican Peace Movement: Activists want truth commission to probe drug violence in Mexico

Activists want truth commission to probe drug violence in Mexico - Fox News Latino: "Prominent Mexican poet Javier Sicilia and other activists urged President Felipe Calderon's administration to create a truth commission to examine the drug-related violence that has claimed more than 40,000 lives since December 2006.

In statements to reporters, Sicilia said that 'autonomous, citizen-based entity' could be used to 'establish the public task of bringing visibility to all the victims, innocent or guilty, and monitor fulfillment of that goal.'

He said that organization also would be responsible for monitoring criminal investigations and the process of compensating the families of innocent victims....

The poet said Thursday after a ceremony establishing a mechanism for work and dialogue between the government and citizens' groups - agreed upon at a meeting between the poet and Calderon on June 23 - that truth commissions normally are formed after a "tragic period has ended."

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