Aug 8, 2011

Whack-a-mole Drug War:U.S. Citizen Arrested With Nearly $4 Million at Mexico Border

And just where do we think they got all that cash to take to Mexico? From 'InSight Crime'

U.S. Citizen Arrested With Nearly $4 Million at Mexico Border: "Mexican authorities have arrested a U.S. citizen and a Ukrainian traveling on a bus carrying over 3.7 million dollars in cash.

The pair were arrested by customs agents in the city of Sonoyta in the northern state of Sonora, while traveling en route to Tijuana.

The cash was discovered in their luggage. According to the Attorney General's Office, the pair said they were planning to 'start a business' with the money. ...

Mexico reportedly seized $260 million in cash from criminal organizations since President Felipe Calderon assumed office in 2006. This is just a fraction of the estimated $18 billion to $39 billion in drug cash thought to flow into Mexico every year, according to U.S. government numbers.

Cash shipments are notoriously difficult to spot and seize at the U.S.-Mexico border: American officials reportedly confiscated just $85 million in illicit funds at the border in 2009."

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