Nov 14, 2011

Immigration Crackdown - Alabama: Immigrant workers, farmers fearful in wake of Alabama immigration law

Pickles, pickers and politics

MSNBC: "“Americans lose sight about how we get our pickles in a pickle jar in a grocery story. We forget that this is where it comes from,” farmer Jerry Danford says as we walk down a long row of tidy green (cucumber plants.

“People are not informed about what it takes to do these special crops. Now a lot of people aren’t interested. The lawmakers that passed this law, they didn't come out here and interview people. If they had done their homework, they would have realized,” he says.

... Since the Alabama bill was signed into law this summer, Danford has watched many of the immigrant workers he relied on leave. He worries that none of them will return for the spring harvest, when a provision requiring that employers check the immigration status of workers will be in effect." read more

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