Dec 13, 2011

Mexico Human Rights Abuses - Guerrero Students: Governor of Guerrero fires the Attorney General and the Chief of Police

More on the Guerrero student deaths. Translated by MexicoBlog

CNN Mexico: "Governor Angel Aguirre Heladio has removed from their positions the leading security and law enforcement officials in the southern state of Guerrero, in order to facilitate the investigation of the confrontation in which two students of a teachers college were killed Monday. 

"I have made the decision to remove from office Attorney General Alberto LopezRosas," Aguirre said in an interview with the Radio Formula. ... Aguirre also announced the removal of Public Safety (Police) Secretary Ramon Almonte

"This will facilitate the investigation, provide more certainty and transparency to the process of investigation," said Aguirre. The Governor said he has asked the federal Attorney General's Office (PGR) to join the necessary investigations.

"I don't want to make a priori judgments or defenses to the death. Together with the federal government, we will conduct a serious, comprehensive and deep investigation that punishes those responsible," he said." Spanish original

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