Note: The Mexican Women Human Rights Defenders Network is made up of women activists from throughout the country and I am proud to be among its members. The Network coordinates rapid responses to attacks on women human rights defenders in the country, carries out studies and works on self-care and mutual protection and support. Unfortunately, we have been overwhelmed lately by the number of attacks and assassinations. Our hearts go out to the loved ones of Agnes and the other 16 defenders killed. Our community is saddened and lessened by their loss.
Five men have been arrested in the crime although investigation continues.
International statements and sign-ons to the declaration below can be sent to:
We repudiate and condemn the assassination of human rights defender Agnes Torres Hernandez and we call for an end to impunity.
We demand the Mexican government immediately solve the case of the assassination of the activist for defense of the human rights of the Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual and Bisexual community.
Seventeen human rights defenders have been assassinated from 2010 to date, demonstrating the indifference of the government to guarantee the right to defend human rights.
The national network of communications and urgent action of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico condems the MURDER of the woman human rights defender Agnes Torres Hernandez.
On April 10, 2012 the body of Agnes Torres Hernandez was found with signs of torture in the hillside of Xaxocuapatle, located a kilometer from the bridge that crosses Highway Siglo XXI of Puebla.
Agnes was a 28-year old psychologist and woman human rights defender from the Lesbian Gay community, who fought for laws to give legal standing to trans people so they can modify their official documents according to their sexual identity, and thereby obtain equal employment and social opportunities.
She carried out activities on behalf of transgender people and also in academia. She graduated from the Psychology Department of the University of Veracruz in 2001, but could never receive her degree because her gender change was not recognized by the institution, which blocked her from completing the paperwork to enable her chosen name to appear on the degree.
In Puebla seven hate murders have been registered this year alone, including that of Agnes Torres Hernandez. The cases registered up to now in the state are characterized by impunity, or a lack of justice, since not no one has been arrested in any of the cases and investigations are stalled.
It is clear that the execution of Agnes Torres Hernandez took place in the context of harassment, persecution and intimidation aimed at stopping her from exercising her right to defend human rights. It is worth noting that this crime takes place in the framework of the past March 8 when Juan Pablo Castro Gamble, member of PAN youth, during the youth parliament organized by the Commission on Youth and Sports of the legislative Assembly criticize the PRD and the local government for approving laws that promote "marriage between queers."
Faced with the levels of violence and threats against human rights defenders, we demand that the Mexican State and the state of Puebla:
* Guarantee the right of women human rights defenders
* An immediate halt to criminalization and violence against women and men human rights defenders
* Immediate and exhaustive investigation into the murder of Agnes Torres Hernandez and that those responsible for the crime be tried and punished.
Mexico, March 19, 2012
The National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders, Communication and Urgent Action
Alejandra Vela Garza (Alternativas Pacificas, Monterrey), Alicia Leal Puertas (Alternativas Pacíficas, DF), Aline Castellanos (Oaxaca), Ana Karen López Quintana (Tamaulipas Diversidad Vihda Trans, Tamaulipas), Ana María Hernández (Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca), Alejandra Ancheita (Prodesc, DF), Alba Cruz (Oaxaca), Angélica Araceli Reveles (CLADEM-México), Beatriz Casas (BARCA, Oaxaca), Beatriz Hernández Bautista (Circulo Profesional para la Formacion con Equidad de Género !Ndudxa Ndandi!), Blanca Martínez (Centro Diocesano para los Derechos Humanos “Fray Juan de Larios”, Coahulia), Blanca Mesina (CMDPDH, Baja California Norte), Blanca Velázquez (Centro de Apoyo al Trabajador, Puebla), Carolina Cantu (Coordinadora Guerrerense de Mujeres Indigenas y afromexicanas, Guerrero), Cecilia Espinosa Martínez (Red Mesa de Mujeres de Cd. Juárez, Cd. Juárez), Cecilia Oyorzabal Gómez (Timomatchtikan, Centro de Asesoría y Desarrollo entre Mujeres, Casa de la Mujer Indígena, Red Nacional de Asesoras y Promotoras Rurales, Puebla), Clemencia Correa (Consultora, DF), Consuelo Morales (CADHAC, Nuevo León), Cristina Cruz López (Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos Bartolomé Carrasco “Barca”, Oaxaca), Cristina Hardága (Tlachinollan, Guerrero), Daptnhe Cuevas (Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad), Diana Damián (FOCA, Chiapas), Dolores González (SERAPAZ, DF), Dora Avila (Centro para los derechos de la Mujer Nääxwiin), Edita Alavés (Mujeres Organizadas Yuubani, Oaxaca), Elga Aguilar (Comité Cerezo, DF), Emelia Ortiz (Campaña Si no están ellas no estamos todas, Oaxaca), Felicitas Martínez Solano (coordinadora Regional de Autoridades Comunitarias policía comunitaria, Guerrero), Georgina Vargas Vera (CDH Victoria Diez, Guanajuato ), Guadalupe López (Lesbianas en Patlatonalli, Jalisco), Ileana Espinoza (Red Mesa de Mujeres de Ciudad Juárez), Imelda Marrufo (Red Mesa de Mujeres de Cd. Juárez, Cd. Juárez), Irma Estrada Martinez (Tribunal Internacional de Conciencia, DF), Ixchel Carrasco Arias (Enlace Comunicación y Capacitación, Guerrero), Josefina Chávez (Cuadernos Feministas, DF), Laura Carlsen (Programa de las Américas, DF), Laura García (Semillas, DF), Laura Gutiérrez (Mujeres Unidas: Olympia de Gouges, Baja California), Laura Velázquez (JASS, DF), Leticia Burgos (Red Feminista Sonorense, Sonora), Lidia Alpizar (AWID), Lucia Lagunés Huerta (México), Luz Estela Castro (Centro de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres, Chihuahua), Margarita Guadalupe Martínez (Chiapas), María Elena Tapia Vázquez (Código DH, Oaxaca), María Rosa Guzmán Valdez (Red de Promotoras de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres Indígenas en el Estado Jalisco, Jalisco), María Trinidad Ramírez (Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra, Atenco), Martha Figueroa (Colem, Chiapas), Martha Graciela Ramos (Mujeres por México en Chihuahua, Chihuahua), Martha Pérez Pineda (Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra, Atenco), Marusia López (JASS-Mesoamérica), Minerva Nora Martinez (BACRA, Oaxaca), Montserrat Díaz (Colectivo Feminista de Xalapa, Veracruz), Nadia Altamirano (CIMAC, Oaxaca), Nadia Maciel (Guerrero), Nadin Reyes (Comité de Familiares de Detenidos - Desaparecidos “Hasta Encontrarlos”, DF), Nora Bucio (CIMAC, Morelos), Obtilia Eugenio Manuel (Organización del Pueblo Indígena Me’phaa, Guerrero), Ofelia Cesáreo Sánchez (Coordinadora Guerrerense de Mujeres Indígenas y Afromexicanas, Guerrero), Orfe Castillo (JASS-Mesoamérica), Sandra Peniche (Servicios Humanitarios en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, Yucatán), Sara Méndez (Código DH, Oaxaca), Sandra Torres Pastrana (Red Defensoras México-Consorcio, Oaxaca), Silvia Castillo Salgado (Instituto Guerrerense de Derechos Humanos, Guerrero), Silvia Vázquez (CMDPDH, Baja California Norte), Tania Ramírez (HIJOS-México, DF), Teresa Emeterio Martínez (Oaxaca), Theres Hoechli (Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca), Verónica Corchado (Colectiva: arte, comunidad y equidad, Grupo Articulación Justicia en Juárez, Cd. Juárez), Verónica Cruz (Las Libres, Guanajuato), Ximena Andión (EQUIS: Justicia para las Mujeres), Ximena Cortez (Rosas Chillante, DF), Xóchitl Ramírez (Yotlakat Non Siwatl, Atzin Desarrollo Comunitario, Guerrero), Yanimiriam Valdez Baca (Centro de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres, Chihuahua), Yenis Bernardino Rosendo (Guerrero), Yesica Sánchez Maya (Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca, Oaxaca), Yunuhen Rangel Medina (Cimac, DF).
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