Feb 5, 2013

The EZLN Announces Upcoming Meetings in its Territory

Written by Desinformémonos   
Translated for Upside Down World
February 4, 2013

They also announce the characteristics of those who will (and won’t) accompany its new initiatives

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) ended "a phase on the path" of the Sixth  Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and announced the start of its next political steps, which include upcoming meetings (encuentros) in its territory and the explicit selection of those who will accompany future initiatives, that will have as its main objective: "to be in direct contact with the Zapatista support bases in the way that, in my long and humble experience,  is the best: as students," said Subcomandante Marcos.

In this next phase, say the rebels from Chiapas, "we will endeavor to apply some of what we learned in the last seven years, and, yes, we will make changes in the pace and speed, but also in those who accompany us." And they warn that one of their "major flaws" is “we remember when and who was where, what they said, what they did, what they kept quiet, what they messed up, what they broke, what they wrote, what they erased. We recall calendars and geographies."  Read more. 

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