Jul 27, 2010

Immigration Reality: Immigration from a San Diego Perspective and Looking at How Climate Change May Affect Migration

Crossing the Line: Border Stories Here is a series of excellent reports on issues in the immigration debate, produced by the PBS station, KPBS, in San Diego, California. 
The series includes reports on the economic costs and benefits, the crisis of children left behind when parents are deported and an analysis of the future consequences of declines in both U.S. and Mexican birth rates on both economies and on immigration to the U.S.

Linkages among climate change, crop yields and Mexico–US cross-border migration : "Climate change is expected to cause mass human migration, including immigration across international borders. This study ... examines the linkages among variations in climate, agricultural yields, and people's migration responses. ... Using state-level data from Mexico, we find a significant effect of climate-driven changes in crop yields on the rate of emigration to the United States. (We) estimate that... a 10% reduction in crop yields would lead an additional 2% of the population to emigrate. We then ... estimate ... the potential magnitude of future emigration. Depending on the warming scenarios used and adaptation levels assumed, ... by approximately the year 2080, climate change is estimated to induce 1.4 to 6.7 million adult Mexicans (or 2% to 10% of the current population aged 15–65 y) to emigrate as a result of declines in agricultural productivity alone." June 24, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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