Jul 22, 2010

Immigration Madness

Every day the fear driving the conflict over immigration grows more and more

15-year state worker accused of compiling ‘list’ | The Salt Lake Tribune: "The Utah Attorney General’s Office has begun a criminal investigation into two women accused of cobbling together a list of 1,300 Utah residents purportedly in the country illegally." July 22, 2010

Fear-mongering off and running in surreal season: "In this election season, fear-mongering about the border and 'illegals' is surreal. The image of our state as a place where the roads are not safe for tourists is as false as the claim that most border crossers are drug mules. This kind of talk contributes to a festering perception of the border as the source of all bad things and of Mexicans as a threat to Arizona's security. There is no denying that those stereotypes can be used by extremists who have an agenda of racial division, not cooperation. July 20, 2010, Arizona Republic

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