Jul 14, 2010

Mexican Politics and Economics

Bungled Cases Show Weaknesses in Mexican Judiciary A rash of mishandled criminal cases in recent months has exposed gaping deficiencies in Mexico's judicial system at a time when President Felipe Calderon faces his strongest challenge yet from brutal drug cartels. Calderon ... announced far-reaching reforms to the justice system more than two years ago to weed out corruption and speed up delays. But recent gaffes by police and prosecutors in high-profile criminal cases have highlighted the festering justice system in Mexico. July 14, 2010, MSNBC/Reuters

Mexico's Intense Urbanization Spurs Social, Economic Trends Mexico is wrapping up its once-a-decade population count,.... Demographers expect the data will reveal just how pronounced the country's urbanization has become. Although the emptying of the countryside began decades ago, historian Jean Meyer said urbanization continues to intensify because of job creation resulting from economic globalization and Mexico's entry into the free trade agreement with the United States and Canada. "It's been a slow, steady process that's changed the face of the country," Meyer said. Mexico has 11 urban areas with a million people or more, according to 2009 estimates. A twelfth urban area, Mérida, has just less than a million. July 12, 2010, Dallas Morning News

Joining forces: PAN-PRD alliance scrambles the presidential race (The July 4 elections,) in 14 of Mexico’s 31 states, provided a surprise that could redraw the country’s political map. The PRI lost its fiefs (in three states) to an unlikely alliance between the PAN and the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). The pair have been bitter rivals since the PRD’s 2006 presidential candidate accused Mr Calderón of stealing the election. They are ideological opposites. But ... the two teamed up in the past to end the PRI’s monopoly on power. ... The parties are likely to repeat the tactic in next July’s race for governor in Mexico state, the country’s most populous. It includes most Mexico City suburbs and is seen (often misleadingly) as a political barometer. In 2005 the PRI’s candidate there, Enrique Peña Nieto, won easily. ... he is now the front-runner for the PRI’s presidential nomination. July 8, 2010, The Economist

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