Aug 10, 2010

Whack-a-mole: Mexican federal police in Cuidad Juarez clash with commander. Attorney General's office to investigate in corruption probe

Groups of Mexican federal police clash over allegations: "Hundreds of Mexican federal police officers from two opposing groups clashed in Ciudad Juarez over the weekend over allegations of corruption within their ranks. On Saturday, a three-day protest turned into a riot between two opposing groups of the federal police department. The confrontation was triggered by corruption allegations against federal police Cmdr. Salomon Alarcon Romero. Alarcon's critics say the commander has participated in kidnappings, killings and extortion in Juarez, which borders U.S. city El Paso, Texas." August 8, 2010, CNN

Mexico to investigate federal officers in corruption probe : "Mexico's Attorney General's Office has opened an investigation into allegations of corruption within the federal police in Juarez. The investigation is in response to an uprising by hundreds of federal police officers on Saturday against some of their commanders, whom they accused of taking money and having connections to drug traffickers. The commanders were taken into custody at gunpoint, handcuffed and smacked around by their ski-masked subordinates, who claimed corruption was putting their lives at risk."August 10, 2010, Las Cruces Sun-News, New Mexico

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