Aug 8, 2010

War on drugs: why the US and Latin America could be ready to end a fruitless 40-year struggle

President Calderón's opening up of debate on drug legalization continues to get coverage outside the U.S. We have found no mention of it in the U.S. press. 

War on drugs: why the US and Latin America could be ready to end a fruitless 40-year struggle: "Mexico's President Felipe Calderon is the latest Latin leader to call for a debate on drugs legalisation. And in the US, liberals and right-wing libertarians are pressing for an end to prohibition. Forty years after President Nixon launched the 'war on drugs' there is a growing momentum to abandon the fight" August 8, 2010, The Guardian

Mexican Journalists March in Protest of Cartel Attacks: "Hundreds of journalists marched in downtown Mexico City and thousands joined in other marches across the country Saturday in protest of the escalating intimidation, kidnapping and murder of fellow journalists by organized crime.... Journalism in Mexico has been a life-threatening profession for some years now. A total of 67 journalists have been killed here since 2000." August 7, 2010, CBS News

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