Dec 20, 2010

Immigration Madness: Utah immigration foe sees no racism in law

Keep an eye on that "not." As for the "rule of law," in the history of the U.S., much of the immigration law has been racially motivated. (See our page, History of U.S. Immigration Laws)

Utah immigration foe sees no racism in law - "SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 19 (UPI) -- A group some consider extremist helped a Utah legislator draft an immigration crackdown bill, the lawmaker confirms.

Rep. Stephen Sandstrom told The Salt Lake Tribune he had met with Michael Hethmon, general counsel of the Immigration Reform Law Institute, which is the legal arm of the Federation for American Immigration Reform. FAIR was branded as a 'hate group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center because of quotes from its founder, John Tanton.

Sandstrom said he had never heard of Tanton and never heard any racist words from Hethmon. 'I have to look at my own personal motivations, and I think they're good and sound and they're based on rule of law. They're not in any way racist in any way shape or form,' Sandstrom said." (editor's emphasis) Dec. 19, 2010

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