Dec 23, 2010

Immigration Reality: The GOP's census dilemma: Embrace immigration or gerrymander

The demographic handwriting is on the wall. And you can bet that Republicans will gerrymander congressional districts like mad. 

Edward Schumacher-Matos - The GOP's census dilemma: Embrace immigration or gerrymander: "Some Republicans are crowing over the 2010 Census, but any red-state gains they make will depend on two big ifs: whether the party undergoes a virtual religious conversion and supports immigrants, or it gerrymanders like mad.

Most news reports this week on the new population figures understated the size of the immigrant impact. If you add their American-born children, immigrants accounted for fully three-fourths of the nation's population growth over the past decade, (AMB editor's emphasis) and not the slightly less than half that was widely reported, based on counting the foreign-born only in the Census Bureau's parallel 2009 American Community Survey." Dec. 23, 2010

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