May 10, 2011

Whack-a-mole: Mexico president compares 1862 battle to drug war

To take President Calderon's comparison a little further: Mexico defeated the French in the Battle of Cinco de Mayo, but lost the war, known as "The French Intervention." Napoleon III then made Maximillian, an Austrian Hapsburg prince, Emperor of Mexico in collusion with Mexican conservatives who had previously lost the civil "War of Reform" to liberals led by President Benito Juarez. Mexicans only regained control of their country when Napoleon III withdrew his troops, abandoning Emperor Maximillian, who was then captured and executed at the orders of Juarez.

The Associated Press: Mexico president compares 1862 battle to drug war: "Mexican President Felipe Calderon says today's battles against drug cartels are similar to the country's fight against the French invasion nearly 150 years ago."

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