Jun 22, 2011

Immigration Crackdown: Georgia puts probationers to work harvesting crops

So even probationers--who can't find other work in an economy where there is 10% unemployment--won't pick cumcumbers under the hot sun. So much for the "illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from U.S. citizens" gambit. 

Ga. puts probationers to work harvesting crops - Food - TODAY.com: "It's 3:25 p.m. in a dusty cucumber field in south Georgia. A knot of criminal offenders who spent seven hours in the sun harvesting buckets of vegetables by hand have decided they're calling it quits — exactly as crew leader Benito Mendez predicted in the morning. ...

Mendez's crew of Mexican and Guatemalan workers will keep harvesting until 6 p.m., maybe longer. Not so for the men participating in a new state-run program aimed at replacing the Latino migrants Georgia farmers say they've lost to a new immigration crackdown with unemployed probationers....

Republican Gov. Nathan Deal started the experiment after farmers publicly complained they couldn't find enough workers to harvest labor-intensive crops such as cucumbers and berries because Latino workers — including many illegal immigrants — refused to show up, even when offered one-time or weekly bonuses. One crew who previously worked for Mendez told him they wouldn't come to Georgia for fear of risking deportation."

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