Jun 12, 2011

Politics of the Immigration Crackdown: 'Secure Communities' and immigration politics - an OpEd from Massachusetts

Holmes: 'Secure Communities' and immigration politics - Framingham, MA - The MetroWest Daily News: "(Gov. Duvall Patrick's decision not to sign the (Secure Communities) memorandum of agreement probably won't change a thing. State leaders have gotten conflicting information about the program from ICE and Homeland Security, but Mary Beth Heffernan, Massachusetts Secretary of Public Safety, said eventually ICE will get all the fingerprints it wants. A direct computer link is in the works, connecting ICE with the FBI, and when it is completed, ICE won't need any help from state or local police.

So what's all the fuss about? The politics of immigration.

It's no coincidence that the governors who are rejecting Secure Communities are Democrats interested in the support of immigrants and those who advocate for them. Or that those who like the program, and who applaud the fact that ICE is deporting thousands of immigrants who have committed no crime, lean to the right."

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