Jul 21, 2011

Immigration Politics: Rick Perry Pivots on Immigration to Fit GOP Field for 2012

Rick Perry Pivots on Immigration to Fit GOP Field for 2012 - COLORLINES: "Texas Governor Rick Perry isn’t in the GOP presidential candidate race — yet. Observers expect him to join the field soon, though, especially after a national security briefing he attended last week, featuring top conservative policy advisors.

And Perry’s apprently positioning himself to be a social conservative darling.

On immigration, he recently revived a bill that would crackdown on so-called “sanctuary” cities — localities where the government prohibits police officers from asking about the immigration status of legally detained residents.

Perry, it seems, knows which way the wind is blowing: His immigration stance is a 180-degree turn from his criticisms of Arizona’s draconian immigration law SB-1070 last year."

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