Jul 16, 2011

Immigration Reality: Second ‘green card lottery’ held after first results voided - The Washington Post

In the Diversity Visa Lottery, 3 people out of 1,000 win. That's 997 who don't. Family based visas take up to 10 years to obtain. And people in the U.S. wonder why people on the other side of the border cross without visas.

Second ‘green card lottery’ held after first results voided - The Washington Post: "the Diversity Visa Lottery, attracts millions of applicants worldwide and each year provides about 50,000 immigrants a legal route to permanent residency in the United States. The mix-up over this year’s drawing comes as some lawmakers question whether it should continue. ...

Last year, a record 15 million people applied for the lottery. Unlike other immigrant visas that require applicants to demonstrate close family ties, specific job skills or humanitarian need, the lottery is open to anyone who has completed high school, can pass criminal and security background checks, does not fall under any other inadmissibility in immigration law, and has not applied more than once for the same drawing."

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