Aug 13, 2011

Human Rights: Activists Organise Against Spiralling Threats

MEXICO: Activists Organise Against Spiralling Threats - IPS "Open the door! Open the door, you SOBs!' Policemen dressed in black, wearing balaclavas and carrying 'what I suppose were high-power rifles' broke down the door of the home of Efraín Bartolomé, a poet who lives on the south side of the Mexican capital. They had no warrant.

'Lie down on the ground! On the ground! On the ground you SOBs! On the ground and don't move!' the police continued to shout as they stormed into Bartolomé's house late Thursday night, looking for a paid gunman who works for a drug cartel. 'One of the men slapped me on the head and knocked my glasses off,' the victim of the raid said later. ...

"Human rights defenders are in danger, and the organisations are on the alert, reporting incidents, protesting and mobilising," the director of the human rights programme at the private Iberoamerican University, Antonio Ibáñez, told IPS.

Dozens of activists are meeting Thursday through Saturday at the "fourth national meeting of human rights defenders", held under the slogan "the defence of human rights and exercise of journalism: dangerous work" "

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