Aug 16, 2011

Immigration Politics: Gov. Rick Perry’s Record on Immigration – Can He Appeal to Latino Voters & the Tea Party?

Feet in 2 Worlds: "Even before Rick Perry announced he was running for president on Saturday his critics (including  former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo) were chiming in—this Texas governor may call himself a conservative, but he doesn’t have the right background on immigration to merit that title. ...

Even so, Perry may have to toss a coin between wooing Latino voters or members of the Tea Party. Texas has the nation’s second largest Hispanic population, accounting for 38 percent of state residents. As Perry campaigns for the Republican nomination, he’ll have to make a choice: tell the nation he’d like to expand his Texas-style immigration policies to the 49 other states, or ditch his previous words and appeal for the votes of immigration hard-liners."

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