Aug 8, 2011

¡Viva Mexico in the U.S.: Markets Evoke Memories of Mexico

A wonderful story of human vitality. A poignant story of separation from home. An informative story of the cultural complexites of Mexican migration. All at a traditional Mexican market in California. 

Markets Evoke Memories of Mexico - "In the Latino communities along Highway 99, the artery of the San Joaquin Valley, the grand tradition of the Sunday flea market — fly swatters, car parts, plastic Betty Boop purses and all — has been transformed into the famed open-air bazaar or tianguis that is a fixture of daily life throughout Mexico.

Madera is a mecca for the state’s estimated 120,000 indigenous Mexican-Indian farmworkers, many of whom are from Oaxaca and speak a pre-Columbian language called Mixtec. And its Sunday flea market is a colorful world-within-a-Latino-world, recreating the weekly gatherings around hundreds of village plazas."

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