Aug 9, 2011

Weapons Traffic: Gun lobby aids Mexican gangs - Editorial

Our view: Gun lobby aids Mexican gangs - "the Obama administration is expanding the regulation to require gun stores in the four states along the Mexican border — California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas — to begin reporting multiple sales of certain military style rifles, including AK-47s and AR-15s. These assault weapons are prized by drug cartels in Mexico, where tens of thousands of firearms, illegal to buy in Mexico, have been smuggled from the U.S., fueling the horrific violence that has killed some 40,000 people in the past five years.

This is a perfectly sensible idea, but predictably, the National Rifle Association and its congressional allies are trying to kill the new rule, which goes into effect on Sunday. The NRA, which filed suit last week to block the rule, charges that it is another sinister move by administration officials to 'pursue their gun control agenda.'

Oh, please. Even minimal gun regulation, such as closing the infamous gun show loophole or cracking down on rogue gun dealers, is low on Democrats' agendas these days. This new rule is just a common-sense step to address an obvious problem."

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