Milenio: "Mexico City • At the end of her meeting with U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, the PAN's candidate for President of the Republic, Josefina Vazquez Mota, described the meeting as "cordial, friendly and warm" and commented on the position of U.S. government towards her candidacy.
"I saw him as respectful of the Mexican electoral process and with a view that for Mexico to have a woman president would be absolutely normal. These aren't his words verbatim, but again, he was very respectful and he spoke of the importance of female winners, successful ones, and the effort it represents," she told a news conference.
Vázquez Mota asked Biden to expand and diversify the bilateral agenda, not just in security matters. The candidate also stated that the U.S. official expressed to her the desire of President Barack Obama to have a "more flexible" immigration agenda.
In this regard, she said: "I asked the vice president that both governments work to prevent the migration agenda from becoming an electoral agenda, one of polarization, given that 12 million Mexican citizens are living in the United States."
During the closed-door meeting that lasted for 50 minutes, the vice president acknowledged the federal government's strategy on security and addressed the issue of combating money "laundering".
Regarding political affairs, the PAN candidate raised the need for a coalition government: "I shared with the vice president my plan to build the first citizen coalition government for Mexico, the first coalition government that allows us to strengthen the country's agenda, building agreements in Congress that are required for the reforms that the country and millions of Mexicans demand."" Spanish original
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