Apr 9, 2012

'War on women' in Mexico described as growing worse since escalation of drug war

Here is a brief note about the Nobel Women's Initiative delegation I participated in late January. You can read reports about the delegation on violence against women in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala on our web page. Expect more, as well as related reports from the AWID international conference on women's rights and development in Turkey, over the coming weeks. LEC 

El Paso Times: "Violence against women in Mexico grew worse during the country's war against the drug cartels, according to the preliminary findings of a recent fact-finding delegation led by two Nobel laureates.

The delegation from the Nobel Women's Initiative also found that the same trend of violence against women holds true for Honduras and Guate mala, where Mexico-based drug-trafficking organizations have extended their operations.

"The war on drugs and increased militarization in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala is becoming a war on women," said Jody Williams, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work to ban land mines." read more

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