Apr 30, 2013

The Boston Marathon Bombers: 'Caught Between Two Worlds' (La Jornada, Mexico)

"Despite having started a family, everything points to Tamerlan Tsarnaev never forgetting his roots and being stuck between two worlds that could not be reconciled, particularly as Islamism is a terrible threat and one of the principle enemies of the United States. This perception is a source of great tension inside the country, where the number of Muslims is growing, while at the same time, many see in them an internal enemy that must be fought. ... The terrorist attack in Boston will decide the fate of two of President Obama’s most important legislative initiatives - even if the bombing was not intended to derail amnesty for millions of undocumented immigrants or curb the use of guns by individuals."

Mexico – La Jornada – Original Article (Spanish)
By Soledad Loaeza
Translated By Halszka Czarnocka
April 27, 2013

No firm evidence has yet been found on the motives which led Tamerlan Tsarnaev to stage an attack on the Boston Marathon. The attack cost the lives of three people, and maimed or injured over 200 more. Currently, not a single lead connects Tsarnaev - even less so his younger brother Dzokhar - to radical nationalist or Islamist organizations that may have organized such an attack.

There is many interpretations, but little by little, a conclusion has been reached that the bombing was an individual action, although its social consequences will no doubt be far-reaching. It is vitally important to identify the reasons for the Tsarnayevs’ action. As long as there is no clarity on this, speculation will flourish, much of it wild. But even speculation may weigh heavily on two very delicate topics that are now being debated in the United States: gun control and migration.  Read more. 

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