Dec 3, 2010

Whack-a-mole: The Mexican government "deplores" the Wikileaks

The Mexican government is not happy that the Wikileaks reveal that the U.S. government is less than happy with their "whack-a-mole" efforts.

English translation: Mexico's government condemns "categorically the unlawful disclosure" of confidential documents made by the WikiLeaks organization, whose authorship is attributed to American diplomacy, and considers this to reflect "deplorable practices." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) said last night that " the set of leaked documents and especially their contents are incomplete and inaccurate, reflecting a vision and selection whose criteria are unknown. "

SRE deplora práctica diplomática de EU - El Universal - México: "El gobierno de México reprobó “categóricamente la revelación ilegal” de documentos confidenciales que hizo la organización WikiLeaks, cuya autoría se imputa a la diplomacia estadounidense, y consideró que reflejan “prácticas deplorables”.

La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (SRE) dijo anoche que “el conjunto de documentos filtrados y especialmente sus contenidos son parciales e inexactos, y reflejan una selección y una visión cuyos criterios se desconocen”." Dec. 3, 2010

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