Dec 14, 2011

Mexico Human Rights: National Commission on Human Rights investigates and assassinations, kidnappings and attacks against rights advocates

Translated by MexicoBlog

La Jornada: "The National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) is investigating the murders of activists Trinidad de la Cruz and Nepomuceno Moreno, the kidnapping of Eva Alarcon and Marcial Bautista, as well as the shooting of Norma Andrade, and if it confirmes an irregular performance by authorities, it could cite various officials for failure to perform their job. This includes the federal police who were supposed to provide security to De la Cruz.

Javier Sepulveda Ahmed, director general of the commission's Program on Attacks against Journalists and Civil Human Rights Defenders said that in recent years attacks against such groups have increased at an alarming rate." Spanish original

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