Mar 8, 2012

Drug War: UN recognizes success in Mexican drug war despite remaining challenges

The UN sticks to its prohibitionist guns. Surprise! Surprise!

Justice in Mexico: "The International Narcotic Control Board (INCB) Annual Report 2011, launched in Vienna, Austria on February 28th, emphasizes the Mexican government’s efforts to fight drug-trafficking and recognizes some success in implementing measures “to address illicit activities and curb the influence of the criminal organizations involved

... During the presentation of the UN report, the Board President, Proffesor Hamid Ghodse, emphasized the main unintended consequence of the success of Mexican government to weaken drug cartels has been the spread of violence to Central American countries, where Mexican organizations are conducting their trafficking activities.

When he was asked about the recent declarations of Guatemalan President, Otto Perez Molina, proposing the decriminalization of production, transportation, and trade of illicit drugs to combat drug trafficking, President Ghodse declared “legalization is not an option”. He added that a complex issue such as drug trafficking cannot be solved with simple solutions, and the progress will mainly come with efficient and global application of international drug control treaties.”" read more

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