Dec 14, 2011

Movement for Peace with Justice: Why I Protest: Javier Sicilia of Mexico

Javier Sicilia--named a Person of the Year by Time magazine--speaks directly and powerfully about his motives for protesting and the remarkable development of the Movement for Peace with Justice over this past year.

TIME: ""I had never thought of starting a movement or being a spokesman for anything. I'm a poet, and poets are better known for working with more obscure intuitions. But in those moments (after my son, Juan Francisco was murdered) I was reminded that the life of the soul can be powerful, too.

My chief intuition then was that we had to give name and form to this tragedy and somehow put that into action with real citizens as a way to tell the government, 'We need something new, especially new institutions to fight our lawlessness and corruption and impunity, not just that of the drug cartels but the state.'" read more

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